The more info you provide us, the easier it will be to assess your work and give you a precise estimate. You are under no obligation to consign with ArtAndOnly and our evaluation is free of charge. Our standard submission form will ask you for the following (*mandatory):
• Title of the work*
• Name of the artist*
• Type* (Painting, Drawing, Photography, Sculpture, Print, Work on Paper, Mixed Media)
• Style (Abstract, Figurative, Pop Art, Surrealism, Modern, etc.)
• Dimensions* in cm or inches
• Condition
• Provenance
• Desired Price
• Location of the work*
• 2-3 Images (Max 10MB per file); 1. Frontal view 2. Detail of texture 3. Signature or other Detail 4. Any Damages
If you can’t provide all of the mandatory material, but still want to submit a work, please get in touch with us and we’ll try to make a sale with ArtAndOnly possible: +41 22 900 12 57 (Mo-Fr 09:30AM – 06:00PM (CET)) or email us at